Monday, 27 June 2011

Three steps to learn a Backside 360

When learning any new trick you want to first try it off somthing very small. like a small natural jump or side hit. Smaller the better then work your way up from there. I break the frontside 360 into three parts (Line, Wind, Pop)
1. First thing is your line up to jump. You want to do three turns up to the jump. A heal turn, to a toe turn, back to a heal. You want to be on your heals when you come off the lip of the jump so you can pop off your heals.
2. Second you need a good pop. Being on your heal edge will give you a solid base to jump from.
3. Third thing is your wind up. As you appoach the lip of the jump you want to rotate your shoulders back and as you come off the lip of the jump and pop off your heals rotate your shoulders toward the jump. This will give your the rotation to get the spin around. Suck your knees up in the air and look your head around to spot your landing.

You should be nailing frontside and backside 180's before trying the 360. Send me a post if you want tips on those.

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